MERVE KAŞIKCI | A RadioGenomics-Based Approach to Clinical Decision Making | 2025 |
MERAL AYDIN | Meta Analytic Approaches for Incorporated Diagnostic Tests | 2024 |
AHU CEPHE | Novel Statistical Approaches in Survival Analysis of RNA-sequencing Data | 2024 |
EBRU ÖZTÜRK | Specifying the Boundaries of Gray Zone in Diagnostic Tests with Information Criteria | 2023 |
EDA ÇAKMAK | Evaluation of Model Performances of pediatric growth curves with GAMLSS method and comparison with quantile regression method | 2023 |
MUHARREM GÜRLEYEN GÖK | Nonlinear canonical correlation analysis and its application to Turkey Health Survey Data | 2022 |
YASEMİN ÖZTÜRK | Adaptation of the Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness of Fit Test to the Log Multinomial Regression Model | 2022 |
MERVE BAŞOL | Evaluating the model performance of joint modelling with survival and longitudinal data using mutual information | 2021 |
SADE KILIÇ YILDIRIM | Examination of infant mortality risk in Turkey with spatio-temporal Bayesian models | 2020 |
MÜMTAZ MUTLU UMAROĞLU | Examination of outliers in meta-analysis and comparison of methods used in outliers | 2020 |
FERHAT ÜNAL | The comparison of the methods determining number of factors under the certain conditions in factor analysis | 2020 |
ÖZLEM ARIK | The effect of feature selection methods on the success of classification methods in microarray gene expression data | 2020 |
HANDE ŞENOL | Investigation of the change in diagnostic accuracy of adding a new marker to the diagnostic model in multiclass disease status | 2019 |
ERDOĞAN ASAR | Comparison of the results concerning different working correlation structures of the quasi-least squares regression method and application in health area | 2019 |
DİNÇER GÖKSÜLÜK | Count based clustering and classification of RNA-seq data | 2019 |
AYHAN PARMAKSIZ | Determination of sample size for 80% power in different correlation structures in multiple linear regression analysis | 2019 |
NAİME MERİÇ KONAR | Factors affecting the diagnostic performance of time-dependent roc curves for longitudinal data | 2018 |
HATİCE YAĞMUR ZENGİN | The use of social network analysis in disease biomarker detection | 2018 |
DUYGU AYDIN HAKLI | Comparing the performance of the algorithms used to solve class imbalance problem in different methods of classification | 2018 |
OSMAN DAĞ | Binary classification via GMDH-type neural network algorithm | 2018 |
SELÇUK KORKMAZ | A novel method for prediction of biological assemblies and protein-protein interfaces | 2016 |
EDA KARAİSMAİLOĞLU | The use of time dependent ROC curve for evaluation of the performance of markers during follow-up time | 2015 |
EMEL DOĞAN KURTOĞLU | The performance evaluation of hotelling T2 test on subject outlier in replicated crossover design | 2015 |
GÖKMEN ZARARSIZ | Development and application of novel machine learning approaches for RNA-seq data classification | 2015 |
OSMAN DEMİR | Propensity score weighting for the comparison of multiple treatment effects | 2015 |
ÜLGER AYDOĞAN CULHA | A comparison of performances of classification algorithms in high dimension low sample size settings | 2015 |
M. ÖZGÜR DOLGUN | Comparison of the performances of data mining classification methods based on prevalence of the dependent variable, sample size and the correlation of the independent variables | 2014 |
SELEN YILMAZ IŞIKHAN | The effects of generalization methods on regression models in microarray gene expression studies | 2014 |
ERDAL COŞGUN | New Approach to Unsupervised Based Classification on Microarray Data | 2013 |
JALE KARAKAYA | Three way ROC analysis and covariate adjustment | 2012 |
N. ANIL DOLGUN | An adapted wald test statistic to determine the variables which do not satisfy the proportıonality assumption in the adjacent category logistic regression model | 2012 |
SEVİLAY KARAHAN | The effect of threshold utility on the quality adjusted survival analysis | 2012 |
HARİKA GÖZÜKARA BAĞ | Comparing performances of test statistics used for intraclass version of kappa | 2011 |
UMUT ARSLAN | Evaluation and comparison of diagnostic tests by using information theory, Kullback-Leibler distance and other distance measures | 2008 |
ÖMER UTKU ERZENGİN | Reduction of residual of simulated biomedical time series by digital filters | 2004 |
BEYZA AKDAĞ | Conjoint analysis and determination of factor or factors, effecting prescribing of the physicians | 2003 |
ERDEM KARABULUT | Comparison of disease clustering methods used in space and in time | 2003 |
HÜSNİYE AYDIN | Improve model for the compilation of birth and death data | 2003 |
MERİÇ ÇOLAK | Latent class analysis and the evaluation of diagnostic test performances | 2003 |
YAVUZ SANİSOĞLU | Competing risks and an application on survival data | 2003 |
PINAR ÖZDEMİR | Methods of lifetime risk calculations and their comparison | 2002 |
MEHTAP AKÇİL | Summary receiver operating characteristic curve (SROC) and an application | 2000 |
HAFİZE SEZER | Türkiye'deki Yataklı Tedavi Kurumlarına Ait Verilerin İstatistiksel Analizi | 1996 |
İLKER ETİKAN | Examining the measurements relaited with air pollution and meteorologic measurements with multivariate statistical methods | 1996 |
MEHMET YALÇIN | Statistical analysis of hospital administration in Çukurova region and development of a ststistical model | 1996 |
ZAFER YÜNTEN | The Position of Turkey among other countries with respect to some health measures and the change in the position with in 10 years period | 1996 |
KÜRŞAT AKYÜZ | Hava Kirliliği Verilerinin Trend Analizi ile İncelenmesi | 1995 |
ZİYNET ÇINAR | The investigation of the effect of Kılıckaya Dam on the meteorology factor and air pollution in Sivas | 1995 |
HÜSNÜ ÇİLİNGİROĞLU | Nüfus Sayımlarının Örnekleme ile Yapılabilmesi için Yöntem Geliştirme | 1988 |
SAİM YOLOĞLU | Bir Pamuklu Dokuma İşletmesinde Sağlık ve Sağlık Dışı Nedenlerle İş Günü Kayıpları ve Üretime Etkilerinin İncelenmesi | 1988 |
ERGUN KARAAĞAOĞLU | Karmaşık örnekleme planlarında örnekleme hatalarının hesaplanması | 1985 |
REHA ALPAR | Tıp eğitim sınav sistemi için soru bankası geliştirilmesi | 1985 |
OSMAN SAKA | Varyans ve Doğrusal Regresyon Çözümlemelerinde Dönüşüm Teknikleri Üzerine Bir Çalışma | 1982 |
OSMAN SARAÇBAŞI | RxC Karşılaştırmalı Denemelerde Denek Sayılarının Saptanması | 1982 |
ÜLKÜ ERAS | Antibiyotik duyarlık testlerinde 2k. nokta simetrik paralel doğru deney modellerinin kullanılması ve sonuçları üzerine etkisi | 1982 |
VİLDAN POYRAZ | Varsayımların bozulmasının iki ortalama arasındaki farkın önemlilik testine etkisi | 1982 |
MAHİR ULUSOY | 1973 Türkiye nüfus ve nüfus sorunları araştırması evli kadın anketinin araştırma metodolojisi açısından değerlendirmesi | 1981 |
PERİHAN ÇEVİKÇE | Hayvansal Protein Kaynaklarının Üretim İstatistikleri ve Üretimlerin Çoğul İstatistiksel tekniklerle İncelenmesi | 1981 |
ALİ TEKİN ÇELEBİOĞLU | 1978 Yılında Türkiye Hastanelerinde Yatak Kullanımı | 1980 |