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Thesis in Biostatistics Phd Programme
MERVE KAŞIKCIA RadioGenomics-Based Approach to Clinical Decision Making2025
MERAL AYDINMeta Analytic Approaches for Incorporated Diagnostic Tests2024
AHU CEPHENovel Statistical Approaches in Survival Analysis of RNA-sequencing Data2024
EBRU ÖZTÜRKSpecifying the Boundaries of Gray Zone in Diagnostic Tests with Information Criteria2023
EDA ÇAKMAKEvaluation of Model Performances of pediatric growth curves with GAMLSS method and comparison with quantile regression method2023
MUHARREM GÜRLEYEN GÖKNonlinear canonical correlation analysis and its application to Turkey Health Survey Data2022
YASEMİN ÖZTÜRKAdaptation of the Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness of Fit Test to the Log Multinomial Regression Model2022
MERVE BAŞOLEvaluating the model performance of joint modelling with survival and longitudinal data using mutual information2021
SADE KILIÇ YILDIRIMExamination of infant mortality risk in Turkey with spatio-temporal Bayesian models2020
MÜMTAZ MUTLU UMAROĞLUExamination of outliers in meta-analysis and comparison of methods used in outliers2020
FERHAT ÜNALThe comparison of the methods determining number of factors under the certain conditions in factor analysis2020
ÖZLEM ARIK The effect of feature selection methods on the success of classification methods in microarray gene expression data2020
HANDE ŞENOLInvestigation of the change in diagnostic accuracy of adding a new marker to the diagnostic model in multiclass disease status2019
ERDOĞAN ASARComparison of the results concerning different working correlation structures of the quasi-least squares regression method and application in health area2019
DİNÇER GÖKSÜLÜKCount based clustering and classification of RNA-seq data2019
AYHAN PARMAKSIZDetermination of sample size for 80% power in different correlation structures in multiple linear regression analysis2019
NAİME MERİÇ KONARFactors affecting the diagnostic performance of time-dependent roc curves for longitudinal data2018
HATİCE YAĞMUR ZENGİNThe use of social network analysis in disease biomarker detection2018
DUYGU AYDIN HAKLIComparing the performance of the algorithms used to solve class imbalance problem in different methods of classification2018
OSMAN DAĞBinary classification via GMDH-type neural network algorithm2018
SELÇUK KORKMAZA novel method for prediction of biological assemblies and protein-protein interfaces2016
EDA KARAİSMAİLOĞLUThe use of time dependent ROC curve for evaluation of the performance of markers during follow-up time2015
EMEL DOĞAN KURTOĞLUThe performance evaluation of hotelling T2 test on subject outlier in replicated crossover design2015
GÖKMEN ZARARSIZDevelopment and application of novel machine learning approaches for RNA-seq data classification2015
OSMAN DEMİRPropensity score weighting for the comparison of multiple treatment effects2015
ÜLGER AYDOĞAN CULHAA comparison of performances of classification algorithms in high dimension low sample size settings2015
M. ÖZGÜR DOLGUNComparison of the performances of data mining classification methods based on prevalence of the dependent variable, sample size and the correlation of the independent variables2014
SELEN YILMAZ IŞIKHANThe effects of generalization methods on regression models in microarray gene expression studies2014
ERDAL COŞGUNNew Approach to Unsupervised Based Classification on Microarray Data2013
JALE KARAKAYAThree way ROC analysis and covariate adjustment2012
N. ANIL DOLGUNAn adapted wald test statistic to determine the variables which do not satisfy the proportıonality assumption in the adjacent category logistic regression model2012
SEVİLAY KARAHANThe effect of threshold utility on the quality adjusted survival analysis2012
HARİKA GÖZÜKARA BAĞComparing performances of test statistics used for intraclass version of kappa2011
UMUT ARSLANEvaluation and comparison of diagnostic tests by using information theory, Kullback-Leibler distance and other distance measures2008
ÖMER UTKU ERZENGİNReduction of residual of simulated biomedical time series by digital filters2004
BEYZA AKDAĞConjoint analysis and determination of factor or factors, effecting prescribing of the physicians2003
ERDEM KARABULUTComparison of disease clustering methods used in space and in time2003
HÜSNİYE AYDINImprove model for the compilation of birth and death data2003
MERİÇ ÇOLAKLatent class analysis and the evaluation of diagnostic test performances2003
YAVUZ SANİSOĞLUCompeting risks and an application on survival data2003
PINAR ÖZDEMİRMethods of lifetime risk calculations and their comparison2002
MEHTAP AKÇİLSummary receiver operating characteristic curve (SROC) and an application2000
HAFİZE SEZERTürkiye'deki Yataklı Tedavi Kurumlarına Ait Verilerin İstatistiksel Analizi1996
İLKER ETİKANExamining the measurements relaited with air pollution and meteorologic measurements with multivariate statistical methods1996
MEHMET YALÇINStatistical analysis of hospital administration in Çukurova region and development of a ststistical model1996
ZAFER YÜNTEN The Position of Turkey among other countries with respect to some health measures and the change in the position with in 10 years period1996
KÜRŞAT AKYÜZHava Kirliliği Verilerinin Trend Analizi ile İncelenmesi1995
ZİYNET ÇINARThe investigation of the effect of Kılıckaya Dam on the meteorology factor and air pollution in Sivas1995
HÜSNÜ ÇİLİNGİROĞLUNüfus Sayımlarının Örnekleme ile Yapılabilmesi için Yöntem Geliştirme1988
SAİM YOLOĞLUBir Pamuklu Dokuma İşletmesinde Sağlık ve Sağlık Dışı Nedenlerle İş Günü Kayıpları ve Üretime Etkilerinin İncelenmesi1988
ERGUN KARAAĞAOĞLUKarmaşık örnekleme planlarında örnekleme hatalarının hesaplanması1985
REHA ALPARTıp eğitim sınav sistemi için soru bankası geliştirilmesi1985
OSMAN SAKAVaryans ve Doğrusal Regresyon Çözümlemelerinde Dönüşüm Teknikleri Üzerine Bir Çalışma1982
OSMAN SARAÇBAŞIRxC Karşılaştırmalı Denemelerde Denek Sayılarının Saptanması1982
ÜLKÜ ERASAntibiyotik duyarlık testlerinde 2k. nokta simetrik paralel doğru deney modellerinin kullanılması ve sonuçları üzerine etkisi1982
VİLDAN POYRAZVarsayımların bozulmasının iki ortalama arasındaki farkın önemlilik testine etkisi1982
MAHİR ULUSOY1973 Türkiye nüfus ve nüfus sorunları araştırması evli kadın anketinin araştırma metodolojisi açısından değerlendirmesi1981
PERİHAN ÇEVİKÇEHayvansal Protein Kaynaklarının Üretim İstatistikleri ve Üretimlerin Çoğul İstatistiksel tekniklerle İncelenmesi1981
ALİ TEKİN ÇELEBİOĞLU1978 Yılında Türkiye Hastanelerinde Yatak Kullanımı1980