Welcome to the Department of Biostatistics' webpage
Thesis in Biostatistics MSc Programme
ESEN KOCAMAZInvestigation of Multimorbidity in Chronic Patients in Turkey by Association Rules2025
BETÜL ARSLANComparison of Continuity Corrections and Peto Method in Meta-analysis of Rare Events2024
ARCAN TIĞRAKModeling of Mediator and Moderator Effects in Structural Equation Models2024
GÖZDE VURALVariance Homogeneity Tests for One-way Independent Group Design2024
ÖZGÜR SAMANComparison of gene selection performances of Boruta and Elastic net algorithms on RNA sequencing data: A Monte Carlo simulation study 2023
MÜGE COŞKUN YILDIRIMEstimation of Transformation Parameter for Various Transformation Methods Via Shapiro-Wilk Test Statistic 2023
ELA BULUTTEKİNPredicting of the ROC Curve Generalization with The Methods of Parametric and Non-parametric and Determining of The Best Threshold Points for Non-Monotone Marker Values 2022
FATMAGÜL KURTInvestigation of The Performance of Data Mining and Deep Learning Methods for Covid-19 Positive Detection in Lung Graph with Medical Image Processing 2022
MUHAMMED ALİ YILMAZEnsemble Based Box-Cox Transformation via Meta Analysis2022
ESRA KUTSAL KAYNARComparison of Univariate and Multivariate Reference Interval Methods2021
HANİFE AVCIInvestigation of The Performance of Data Mining and Deep Learning Methods in Diagnosis with Medical Image Processing2021
H. ERKİN SÜLEKLİInvestigation of Factors Affecting Mortality and Length of Stay in Intensive Care Units with Data Mining Methods2019
MERVE KAŞIKCIComparison of Classification Performance for Deep Learning Method and Classical Data Mining Methods on Transcriptome Data Set2019
GAMZE ÇELİKEvaluation of Goodness of Fit Test for The Proportional Odds Logistic Regression Model via Simulation2019
EZGİ VARDAR AVCIModeling of Mediator and Moderator Effects2019
EBRU ÖZTÜRKThe Sample Size Calculation in Clinical Trials and Comparisons with Classical Approaches2018
TUNCAY YANARATEŞParametric and Nonparametric Methods Used in Analyzing Partially Correlated Data and Simulation Study2018
ASLI ÇİFTÇİKohonen Cluster of Psychotic Diseases by Self Organizing Mapping Method2018
MERVE BAŞOLComparison of Diagnostic Accuracy Methods Used for The Multi-Reader ROC Analysis in Different Experimental Design Techniques2016
EBRU KORKEMRandom Forest and Naïve Bayes Approach in Microarray Gene Expressions Data Sets2013
MUSTAFA KILIÇKAPEvaluation of Diagnostic Performance of Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography by Using Information Theory2012
MERAL ÇUBUKDetermination of The Factors Effecting Diagnostic Accuracy Measures2011
BANU ERÖZ Comparison of Statistical Methods for The Area Under The ROC Curve for Different Types of Data Structures2010
ÜLGER AYDOĞANA Comparison of Classification Performance of The Kernel Functions Used in Support Vector Machines2010
MOHAMMED NOSRATİComparisons and Correction Methods in Multiple Comparisons2010
SELCEN PEHLİVANSample Size Determination for Evaluating Efficiency of Screening Tests and Prevalence Estimation with Help of Screening Tests2007
ZEHRA ALTINIŞIKMultinomial Probit Models2007
CANSEL BİÇENComparison Between The Box-Jenkins and Feed Forward Artificial Neural Network Forecasts in Time Series Analysis Method2006
H. ERDEM ŞAHİNLERAn Alternative Approach for Analysis of Efficiency: Stochastic Frontier Analysis and An Application2006
JALE KARAKAYAEffects of Bias, That Results from Examination of Different Subgroups, on The Accuracy of Test Results2005
ANIL AKTAŞGeneralized Estimating Equations ("GEE")2005
NİMET ANIL BARAK An Application of Ordinal and Multinomial Logit Models2005
SEVİLAY KARAHANMultinomial Logit Models and An Application2005
MESUT AKYOLEfficiency Analysis Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Technique Made for 28 Clinics in Gülhane Military Medical Academy 1000+200 Bed Training Hospital2005
ALİ KEREM ULUDAĞCross Validation Methods in Linear Regression2005
BAHADIR BERKTAŞThe Determination of The Best Treatment Option for Stage III, Resectable, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients by Desicion Analysis Method2002
UMUT ARSLANEvaluation of The Performances of Diagnostic Tests by Using Information Theory Approach2002
ÖMER UTKU ERZENGİNAnalysis Event Related Potentials with Time Series1999
MURAT BALCISequential Analysis and Its Effect on Sample Size1999
PINAR ÖZDEMİRCorrespondence Analysis and It's Application1999
ERDEM KARABULUTLog-Linear Models and Its Application1998
YAŞAR OKTAYComputerization of Health Sciences Registar's Office's Work and Improving Database for Research1997
MEHMET ALİ ERSANMedical Records in University Hospitals from The Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Health Services1996
HARUN FATİH TOMBAKDistance and Similarity Measures Which Were Used and Applicated in Multivariate Analysis1996
MEHTAP AKÇİLMeta-Analysis of The Effect Size for Difference Between Means1995
ERSİN KARAHANTürkiye İllerinin Sağlık Düzeylerine İlişkin Bir Çalışma1995
DERYA GÜMÜŞTanılayıcı Testlerin Hastalıkları Tanılama Etkilerinin Ölçümü1993
ZİYNET ÇINARSivas İl Merkezinde Yapılacak Sağlık Araştırmalarında Kullanılmak Üzere Çeşitli Sayı ve Nitelikte Örnekleme Planının Geliştirilmesi1990
İLKER ETİKANKüme Örneklemesinde Alt Örnekleme Yöntemi ve Sonuçlara Etkisi1989
KÜRŞAT AKYÜZSeçilmiş İl Merkezlerinde 10 Yıllık Sürede Bekleyen Yaşam Süresindeki Değişmelerin İncelenmesi1988
MEHMET YALÇINHastane İstatistiklerinin Güven Düzeyi1988
BERRİN AKBULUTHacettepe Hastanesin'nden Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü'ne Gönderilen Ölüm Raporlarında Yazılı Ölüm Nedenlerinin Gerçekliği1987
ENİSE SOLAKOĞLUTürkiye'deki Tıp Fakültelerinde Biyoistatistik Eğitimin İncelenmesi1985
SAİM YOLOĞLUOrtodonti Servisi Hizmetlerinin Değerlendirilmesi İçin İstatistiksel Model Yaklaşımı1983
İSMET SEÇKİNHacettepe Hastanelerinde Ölümlerin Değerlendirilmesi1981
REHA ALPARSosyalize Sağlık Hizmetleri İçin Yeni Bir Kayıt Sistemi Geliştirme1980
ERGUN KARAAĞAOĞLUİki Ortalama Arasındaki Farkın Önemlilik Testinde Kullanılan t Testinin Gücü Üzerine Bir Araştırma1979
ELÇİN BAYYURTHastane İstatistiklerinden Maliyet Analizinde Yararlanma ve Maliyet Analizi Yöntemi Geliştirme 1979
HÜSNÜ ÇİLİNGİROĞLUÇubuk Sağlık Grup Başkanlığı Bölgesinde Olan Doğum ve Ölümlerin Çubuk Nüfus İdaresine Bildirim Durumu1979
OSMAN SAKAEtimesgut Bölgesi Sağlık Kayıtlarının Güvenirliliği1977
VİLDAN POYRAZGebelik Tarihçesi ve Verilerinden Doğurganlık ve Ölüm Hızlarının Tahmini1977
OSMAN SARAÇBAŞIHastane İstatistiklerinde Bilgisayar Kullanımı1977